Marlene Stemple
When I was a child I discovered that a crayon could quickly melt
on a hot radiator into long, dramatic drips of color and that gold, silver, and bronze crayons would create shiny, even more luscious bands of color. Unfortunately, my creative project was not in the least appreciated.
Mom’s red lipstick became my next experimental medium. Intense red lines and shapes were drawn with abandon on unfinished closet doors. Mahogany doors. Built by my dad. Once again, my artwork went unappreciated! Fortunately, I’ve since found canvas to be a much more acceptable surface on which to paint.
I’ve worked in educational publishing as a textbook designer for many years and in 2012 decided to pursue a career in painting—
a different path, but still within the exciting world of art. Fruits, vegetables, and flowers provide me with a never-ending plethora of shapes, sizes, and colors from which to choose. I simply love what I do and hope that you will too!